Perfect Pairing – Wine and Chocolate

I have never been a “wino” in the true sense of the word or otherwise. Wine is an acquired taste and, like many tastes, develops over time. Until recently, I never had a desire to “pop a cork”, sit back and slowly sip on a “fine wine”…if I even knew what a fine wine was. I suppose I could attribute that to a sugary swill by the name of Boone’s Farm. Perhaps, like many of us baby boomers, our first “wine tasting” was shared with a couple of friends and a bottle of Strawberry Hill or Fuzzy Navel. Ugh…
Slow for Wino
However, with the flurry of headlines about the health benefits of wine, I decided it was time to find out what all the “buzz” (no pun intended) was about. Studies support the health benefits that come from moderate wine consumption, defined by the American Heart Association as one to two four-ounce glasses a day.

But hold on! Chocolate is also getting a lot of media coverage because it’s believed that it too may help protect the cardiovascular system. This is because the cocoa bean is rich in a class of plant nutrients called flavonoids. Is this too good to be true?! Yes, apparently it is. Again, in moderation, and before you over-indulge in chocolate candy bars and cakes, you should know that not all chocolate contains high levels of flavanols. So do your research.

I’m no wine or health expert, however, I do know (from experience) that a great port wine and a rich dark chocolate pair well together. You wouldn’t want to pair a rich, decadent, chocolate dessert with just any table wine. In doing my research, I have found that a ruby Port is touted as an all purpose choice that won’t break the bank. Apparently, this “after dinner” wine pairs well with cheeses, pies and many dark, but not too sweet, chocolate confections.
Which Wine
So, with all this information, I must continue my on-going research. I want to be prepared, and stylish, so I decided I needed to dress up my wine bottles with a crochet cover. I am so pleased with the results! I’m going to have to crochet a few more so that all my wine bottles are appropriately dressed.

Crochet Wine Bottle Cover

Here is the pattern:
What you need:
1 skein 2oz/56.7 g worsted 4-ply cotton yarn
Size G (5.00) crochet Hook,
Yarn Needle

Row 1: Ch 4, 11 dc into 4th ch fr hook, join with a sl st to 3rd ch of 1st ch 4.
Row 2: Ch 2, dc into join, 2 dc into ea st around to 1st ch 2. Join. (24 dc)
Row 3: Ch 3, dc in join, 1 dc in next dc, *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc** Repeat from * to ** around to 1st ch 3, join. (36 dc)
Row 4: *Ch 3, sk 2 sts, sc in next st** Repeat from * to ** around to beginning. Do not join.
Row 5: to end: *Ch 3, sc in next 3 ch sp** Repeat from * to ** around for length of bottle to neck.
Collar: *Ch 3, work 5 dc in next 3 ch sp, sl st into next sc** repeat from * to ** to end of round. Fasten off, weave in tail.
Cord : Ch 76, sl st in 2nd ch fron hook and ea ch across. Fasten off. Weave in tails.
Thread cord through mesh at neck.

Dressed-Up Wine Bottle Cover Pattern
Copyright Carol Wolf, Wolf Crochet (www.wolfcrochet,

Chocolate (used in photo)
Dr Sue’s Chocolate (

Thanks for reading my blog! Have a Blessed Day!

One thought on “Perfect Pairing – Wine and Chocolate

  1. Your instructions were fantastic and easy to follow. Thanks so much…I am a sporadic crocheter, and completed the project in one and an a half hours…it was fun!


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